Good news from the field stories from around the worldThat would be my genuine $1000 bill that I keep around for a rainy day, though it's also useful for quieting down "young adults" who think they know enough about life to impress people by talking nonsense. After taking a few minutes to convince them that it's not fake, there's usually a few moments of amazed silence as most people have never seen one before.So beginning January, 1st 2010, I’ve blocked all requests from Bands and Comedians. (Film Makers haven’t proven to be troublesome thus far, so they remain unblocked as of this writing.) Furthermore, each day or so I will be deleting a few pages worth of Bands/Comedians on my friends list unless I either know, have worked with or am an actual fan of them. My friends list is going to be like George Costanza after a dip in the pool.Lori: You know, the things that you’ve worked so hard on, the little details that are so important to you…and then other people don’t even notice, and then you can wonder "What’s the point?” and "Why spend so much time on all these little things?”